
I had the chance to take on multiple roles in the design field. While I spent years doing webdesign, now I’m more interested in UI, UX & product management. I love design critique and learn from others.

Few companies value the power of design and I often have to pave the way to find the right workflow within the team. It is always a different challenge, one I’m always ready to tackle.


Less is more

You recognize good design when nothing cannot be removed anymore.


People shouldn’t need a manual to understand what you want to communicate.


Don’t aim for perfect, ship fast, get feedback, react.


Don’t make people waste time on your website or they’ll never come back.


Design should not attempt to manipulate people with fake promises. It should be useful.


Beauty is part of usefulness, as good design influences our person and well-being.

Greatly inspired by Dieter Rams:

Latest work

2019 Bluesquare brand identity

I redesigned Bluesquare logo and branding identity, including 4 products logo to go with the brand.

Bluesquare brand identity thubnail

2019 Hesabu

At Bluesquare, I redesigned Hesabu (rule based computing engine) to support complex health indicators and build interactive reports.

Hesabu thubnail

2019 Dataviz manager

I designed and built a fully reusable and modular admin application for clients to manage their Dataviz platform. The app was directly embedded into their data warehouse (dhis2)

Dataviz manager thubnail

2019 Stratégie plainte traitements application

I designed a simple workflow based application to help care givers take decisions based on defined use cases.

Stratégie   plainte   traitements application thubnail

2018 Dataviz

In 1,5 years, I successfully re-designed, developed and manage Dataviz which was in a critical shape when I joined the company.

Dataviz thubnail

2016 MyMicroInvest

I was first hired as a designer / front-end developer but my role evolved to work on the full stack (Front-end/Backend/Ux)

MyMicroInvest thubnail

2012 Emuzikos

As a musician, I always found difficult to find people to play with. So I started this side project. The site is now closed but, at the time, it allowed me to practice my Ruby on rails skill while still doing mostly design during my day job.

Emuzikos thubnail
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